Wednesday, April 29, 2009

reflection on 3 questions

1. If something is intuitively obvious, must everyone agree about it?

Intuition is a thought, emotion, suspicion or hunch that something doesn't feel right. It is a safety mechanism that exists to protect one from harm, or at least make one think twice before you go about doing something. There’s a reason behind thinking a thought or having a feeling which is uneasy or more like a warning. Something in the memory, subconscious, or past experience is secreting a sense of caution. Something about the situation doesn't quite feel right- one may not be able to understand how or why but it is best to listen to oneself. It is scientifically proven that our subconscious can pick up the tiniest clues from our environment before we consciously and rationally can understand what they mean or what to make of them. For example, if you are walking down the street and you must turn right but something in you says to turn left, you might not know why you feel this way but just go left. You may have see an accident on that corner when you were younger, this might be a route where cars tend to speed or there might be an unsafe inconspicuous doorway you remember walking past or even seeing on the news. Whatever the reason, your mind and body are saying that it is safer to go the other way, even if you can't rationally explain why this is. Therefore it is best to trust one’s own intuition.

2. Could you be wrong in thinking that something is intuitively obvious?
The answer is “yes”. One can be wrong when they think so because not all intuitions are correct or prove to be right. The initial intuition that the earth is flat was later proven to be false and as regarded as a felony of gut feeling.

3. If something is intuitively obvious, must everyone agree about it?
Intuition highly depends on the situation and surrounding one is in, its environment and the past experiences and memories, therefore it is objective and varies from person to person therefore it is not important or necessary for each person to believe it.

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