Saturday, May 23, 2009

theinconvinient truth

The Inconvenient Truth – an environmental movie featuring former American Vice-President, Al Gore is making headline news. I would like to comment on the reality behind what appears to be happening with our environment – for there is a deeper truth hidden within these dramatic earth changes.The inconvenient truth really concerns man and woman – the guardians and caretakers of the Earth. For all expression on this Earth comes from man and woman. Unless man and woman get their relationship right, no amount of environmental action will make an iota of difference to global warming and its effect on our planet. Whether we know this or not, whether we like this or not, the primal or principal attraction of man and woman to be together is to embody more love - for man and woman are here as the expression of oneness or unity; the guardians of this Earth. It is our lack of clarity of this unity that is threatening to destroy our Earth.Man and woman are the makers of love. Within the pure making of love they tap into the abundant, rejuvenating energy of the divine feminine that lies behind manifestation, allowing it to flow into existence. In this loving the power, stillness, clarity and true direction of the masculine in his divine authority is to serve love. Is he serving love now? Is she being loved now? It is this misapprehension of identity that lies behind our current dilemma, individually and collectively.The love of truth is the only purpose on this Earth - for man and woman to manifest the vastness of their being as their way of life on Earth. The potential in their lives, and in their lovemaking, is to realise finer and finer realizations of the love that they truly are, and give it true form without, as creation. This is the potential - to manifest this purity as our total way of life.For this to take place, man – in his loving of woman - has to reach her on a deep level of consciousness. It is in his true passion, in the call to love her (She, the feminine essence, deep within the body of his woman) that he dissolves all his attachment to time and his perennial distraction, himself. In his deep and true loving of her, woman opens to his presence, releasing her from her emotional distractions. She learns to open to love, to surrender to love, as the love she already is, in the deep. She realizes that she is the embodiment of love. Within this true loving, the intelligence of humanity that is mistakenly identifying itself with the body and mind through conditioning, is purified. When love is made for love’s sake alone, and not for selfishness, the manifestation of love as the direction of life becomes our living experience. The world and its selfish busyness, global warming and the dramatic changes that are occurring, will continue to speed up. For they are the manifest effects of man and woman’s fear of loving each other from the deepest place within. When we fear being love and giving love, man and woman stagnate into wealth gathering, busyness, ‘poor me’ stories, doubt, fear, restlessness and emotionality. We get caught up in living life for ‘me’ instead of living life for ‘thee’, the love within us all. Energetically we cut ourselves off from our source. Existence then mirrors our lack of love and truth within. This is what humanity is now facing. The gap between man, woman and source grows – unless we learn to listen to our voice deep within our hearts, as our only home, as our only true identity.

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